IT Lifecycle Management supports security and compliance

- May 04, 2020

EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect next year. This will also mean tightening data security requirements for many organisations. Both public and private sector organisations will need to adopt even stricter practices to ensure the safety of personal data they are processing. 

IT lifecycle management is a part of accountability

The technological focus in compliance preparation has been around data subject rights, data storage and software security. However, compliance is also about processes, hardware and operational aspects of data protection.


One of these key processes is IT lifecycle management. It is a crucial piece of the compliance puzzle, and should be considered as important as any other step in preparation. It is essential to know what IT devices are deployed, where they are and how they are secured. Without this information, data might not be protected thoroughly.


5 things to consider when preparing for GDPR

There are many hot topics around compliance. In IT lifecycle management and security, for example the following should be considered:

  1. Organisations should be able to demonstrate where they store their data, where their IT devices are located and who has access to them. An up-to-date register should always be available.
  2. The reporting history should cover the whole IT lifecycle from acquisition to end-of-life. A comprehensive audit trail is part of the accountability responsibility.
  3. Instead of a separate one-time effort, compliance should be a part of permanent processes.
  4. Organisations should also have trusted partners for data processing.
  5. Further, to support compliance, the instalment of proper security software, the usability problems thereof should be reported and traceable.

Partnering with 3stepIT

Our solutions and services provide assistance for managing and monitoring organisations’ IT devices, which lifecycle, operation and health may be followed continuously in Asset register. The unique solutions keep track of organisation’s IT assets throughout their lifecycle: in procurement, during service time and after replacement.  This helps to minimize the risk of devices getting lost or ending up in the wrong hands, even after their lifecycle. The asset audit trail is comprehensive, so the data removal in the device’s end-of life phase is verified and reported.


For over 20 years we have specialised in IT lifecycle management. Through our solutions and services we support our customers journey towards compliance now and in the future.

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