Committed to collaboration

Braathe-Logo-Black-RGB Braathe-Logo-Black-RGB


Braathe Group

The Braathe Group is an innovative, forward-thinking and innovative Norwegian technology supplier with a vision to deliver a worry-free IT everyday life to its customers. Having acquired several companies, the business now has over 15,000 satisfied and secure users, 200 employees, and a turnover of NOK 500 million.

Partners of choice

Committed to collaboration

The Braathe Group has partnered 3stepIT since 2012 and they see real alignment at a values and a priority level. They point to our environmental and sustainability focus as a core reason for the strong, ongoing relationship and have publicly committed to not unnecessarily contribute to any pollution of the environment.


Braathe uses our REstepIT service to manage the disposal and data sanitization of all of their old IT equipment, which not only ensures the devices’ environmentally friendly reuse, but the reduction of e-waste, and the safest data sanitization on the market.

Our Happy Clients

In their own words

We want to ensure that our company does not contribute to unnecessary emissions and environmental impact. Our cooperation with 3stepIT has been an essential part of these environmental priorities.

Tron Braathe
CEO at Braathe Gruppen AS

Our Promise

Let us help you streamline your IT.

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