Their headache
Previously, their assets were of varying quality and age, there was no standardisation, and users were sometimes forced to use technology that could be up to eight years-old. This sub-standard IT equipment was in constant need of service and was therefore a regular burden to the IT department.
It was also a challenge to gain oversight and collect information about the equipment, such as when it was purchased, who was using it, its warranty periods, and when it needed to be replaced. The Municipality saw regular sporadic and unplanned tactical purchases, where new IT equipment was purchased with the money left in this year's budget, but not aligned to any wider strategy.
This negatively impacted financial forecasts, and a large part of what was purchased was never used as intended. The handling of obsolete equipment was also left to the administrations on their own, and this often led to computers being scrapped instead of being sent for recycling or reuse.
Rising support costs, deficient routines, and a busy IT department who were constantly repairing and patching instead of developing made the Municipality reach out to us.