Data and sustainability - the perfect partners

- November 27, 2018

In November at the LeasingLife Conference in Tallinn 3stepIT was proud to receive the Sustainability award for the second successive year.


The Sustainability award is a recognition that sustainability, and the circular economy, is at the heart of our business model. Earlier in the year we also won an award for the best use of data at the IAFN Event. This set me thinking of how the use of data and sustainability are connected. 


Working with our customers we collect an enormous amount of data: What equipment our customers purchase, where it is placed, is it working correctly, how much are they paying for it, and when they should upgrade and replace old equipment.


Data is king?

So much data. As we keep being told humanity has generated more data in the last five years than in the previous five thousand years.


But the question is: Is it all useful data? A recent podcast from the Secret History of the Future team (highly recommended!) discussed books and information. According to the podcast, after Gutenberg invented the printing press, within 50 years thousands of books were being printed. However, not all of them were the best quality.  

Erasmus, the great scholar and writer, said ‘Is there anywhere on earth exempt from this swarm of books?’

He might as well have said data. Producing data without using it effectively is a pointless exercise. In 3stepIT our job is to take all the data we have and turn it into something meaningful for our customers. To give them only the data they need to make meaningful decisions and obtain the best possible return from their investments in their IT infrastructure.


Sustainable data

And where is the link with sustainability? In our industry sustainability is all about the maximum lifecycle of the equipment we manage. If a customer replaces their equipment at the optimum time for their own purposes, we have the opportunity to give the equipment a second life. We know where all the products are, their condition, and the best ways to refurbish them to extend their useful lives.


So we are using data to both meet our customers’ expectations in delivering the best lifecycle management and to give the equipment we manage the best possible life. Data and sustainability are the perfect partners.

Now we can answer Erasmus: “Yes, there is somewhere, it is called 3stepIT.”


Carmen Ene

CEO, 3stepIT

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